The largest means of interaction online is through the use of social media. It is undeniable that the use of social media has been extreme and rapidly growing in number of users.

Posting updates, searching social trend and discoveries are some of the features, basically its purpose is to connect people and at this point businessmen maximize its purpose to their advantage.

Creating traffics in feeds, posting videos, pictures, updates, and creating trends to pool audience and gaining interest from prospects and customers.

Today, this form is widely used, if you are still thinking of the best way to introduce your product and establish rapport consider social media marketing as your priority solution. The process is easy but joining for the first time requires thorough study and strong statement of the company’s objective.

Here are some of the basic considerations:

  1. Know your target market. Identify the group of people that are more likely to have interest in your business. For instance, you are selling perfumes know what are the age group that are interested in perfumes so postings will reach their feeds.
  2. What do you want them to know? In order to gain more audience, content matters. Create interesting posts specifying the details you want to relay directly to you prospects.
  3. How would you want them to see your company? we (community in internet) are observant and meticulous, you cannot blame them since there are plenty of competing brand, what is happening, they are taking sides and to get their attention is an opportunity to establish rapport, through the use of social media you will be able to tell people what kind of company you are, what makes you special and unique, what are the features that we will think of you.
  4. How far are you interested to blend in to trends? Today, trends are changing from time to time, it requires effort to cope up, and creative stories linked to trends results to more chances of viewers or followers.

If you noticed, social media marketing makes it easier for you to implement marketing strategies, the benefits could be: reduce budget for advertising, lesser hassle for actual set ups, reduce manpower requirement, and direct contact with your prospects and customers.

The widely used platform of social media is Facebook with around billion of users around the world. Here individual detailed some of their personal information, interest, hobbies and the likes, these data are essential to identify your target market.

Every day the rate of people browsing their Facebook accounts are increasing, millions of postings and your chances of being noticed will depend on your boosting option.

There’s more! Instagram the next most subscribe platform of social media, Twitter where people post short description of their daily activities, medium to release their anger, disappointments, happiness and more, if you could post something that are linked to their current mode surely you hit the jackpot!

Other platform of social media are LinkedIn, Tango, Google+, Pinterest, Digg, Flickr and many more.

By Harif Suhail

Hai, I am a Front-End Developer specializing in Web Development, Digital Marketing, WordPress Development . I have many years experienced in web design and development. I’m currently working as a senior Front-End Developer in an Software Company in Dubai, UAE. Read more