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Web Design and DevelopmentIf your goal is to make your business grow

To what audience is the website aimed at, who are the potential customers, what is the best way to reach them in terms of content, structure and vision of the website are just some of the topics that we discuss in detail with our clients, to present the best possible web solution that works for you.

Ensure the usability & credibility of web pages. Coding of HTML / XHTML structure of your website & ensure that it follows the latest web standards, look professional & modern. Coding Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) for your website pages. Creating the Navigation Menu & all the initial website pages you need for your website.

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Wordpress DevelopmentChoose Wordpress It's Easy, Easy, Easy

Wordpress is a powerful CMS that allows us to create, edit and maintain a content-rich web presence with many editors. It is supported by a comprehensive training program and a wealth of internal resource

However sometimes we have to work outside of Easysite for projects that meet specific requirements. In these instances we use WordPress – an open source CMS with more design freedom.

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SEO / SMO AnalysisTake Your Business to the Next Level

Search engine optimization (SEO) is an Internet marketing strategy, and as such, very important in building websites. Websites need to be optimized in order to atract users and to sell products and services

The increased visibility which results from a properly well thought-out SEO optimization campaign boosts your website's ability to be found by searchers seeking your services. This increase in targeted traffic to your site greatly increases the likelihood of sales

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Print to Digital ConversionSave Money Save Paper Be Digital

e-brochures innovative pageflip technology enables you to recreate the experience of traditional print brochures online, without costly printing or re-printing needs. Not only will mother nature be pleased that you’ve gone green, but you’ll be able to reach many more potential customers at a fraction of the price, through a range of digital media platforms.

Changes and updates can be made quickly and easily to any e-brochure. This feature is great for creating regular newsletters to email out to clients, for corporate presentations and is perfect for online product catalogues.

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If your goal is to make your business grow / If You Are Impressed With My Amazing Portfolio